Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Love is such a tricky word... 

I remember the first time I was "in love"... It was a guy who had pursued me in college. I was interested at first, since I'm pretty shy and don't really do well when men are interested in me.

Anyway, we grew to like each other which grew to love. But it was never the right timing for either of us in our lives. There's always more to every story. But, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Now, years later... I still struggle with the concept of love. I love my family. I love my God. I love my sisters more than life. I love my friends. I love the kids I work with. 

But in love... yah that's the tricky part. I can honestly say that I need to be in love with God. I know I love God. I know I want to make God happy with my choices. But I'm also a realist and I know that there's many things in my life, that do not make God happy.

There's a quote that says (there are different versions of it)
A woman's heart should be so lost in God, that a man must first seek Him in order to find her.

Yah, this is something I need to work on.

One more thing: I'm still battling this thing called depression... Tears come and go on a pretty regular basis. I did really well August through most of December, and now I've seemed to relapse some... So dear friends, pray for me. And if you are in the area and have time, stop by and say hi. Invite me out to do something. I'm going to make a conscious effort to get out of the house this month. Prayers are appreciated!

Have you ever experienced depression? What did you do to get over those low moments/low days? Please leave your comments below.
In Him,

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