Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Day of 2012

Today marks the last day of 2012. I would say that 2012 was pretty intense for me. Here's the run down of my 2012:

  • I graduated with my Master's Degree in Special Education.
  •  In 2012, I left a job where I felt the administration was not fulfilling the job of an administrator. Although God used this as a crucial part of getting me where I am today, this is not the focus of this post.
  • I got a new, amazing job in the field I love most, working with kiddos with Autism.
  • I bought my first house.  You can read about here: All in Home
  • With the new home and new job, I moved back closer to my family. 
  • I actively started pursuing my career in the field of Autism by beginning the coursework to become a BCBA.
Now, after all this, here's my thoughts and feelings....
I love my life! I'm very blessed. I enjoy living close to my family and I love being able to work with the kiddos closest to my heart. I am very excited to have a home of my own. I'm loving my new car still... Now, all this to say- I definitely have a pretty great life. 

The other stuff: I have a little bit of anxiety, I am very emotional most of the time, and I do, on occasion, still go through some depression. I went to a counselor in April about it. She set me up to go through some de-stressing classes and some other avenues to help with it. Well, with the move and all, I never completed all those things she had set up. 

I'm excited for 2013, not to try some new diet or to say I'm going to do all these things different in my life, but because God brought me through some hard times in 2012 and I know he will do the same in 2012.

Now, the last part of all this: I'm not big on looking for love. I know that God has a plan and I try to just remember that. Many of you may not know that I've never actually thought or had a desire to get married. Ever since high school, I always felt like I was going to be single forever, kinda sad I know, and I just didn't do any of the looking at wedding dresses and things like that. Here's what I can say about love: My views and opinions on love have changed greatly over the years. I will write another post dedicated to just love, but for now- I know that love is challenging and that it is strong. I am interested to see how God uses love in my life in 2013.

Have a safe and blessed New Year everyone!

In Him,

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