Thursday, January 1, 2015

End of the Year Meds Check

It's 2015!!! Woohoo!! Happy New Year everyone!!

Okay, so it's the end of a year/the beginning of a new year and that means time to double check some things in your home.

Last week I took the time to go through my medicine cabinet (which is really a basket!) and through the medicine in my purse.

It's important to double check the dates on your medication each year so you aren't unintentionally making yourself more sick...

Don't forget to check dates on:
*Contact solution
*Aloe and other sun relief lotions

 Also, remember if you purchase things in bulk or in double packs, to check those dates as well.
This is my contact solution from before I started using daily contacts last fall... Make sure you check these.

 It's also important to check your purse and first aid kits in your home and your car.
My purse first aid kit/med bag...

 In my purse, I replaced all of the cold medicine and peptobismol and added some more bandaids... This year, I added the expiration date to the kids that didn't have it already on them...

 I also added some Tums and some Airborne to my purse this year. Both from big bottles, so I put them in a baggie and wrote the directions and expiration information on the baggie.

What things do you always do at the end of each year?? 

Have a blessed first couple of days of 2015 everyone!

In Him,


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