Monday, March 3, 2014


I started this blog a while back as a way to get my thoughts and trials and tribulations out there. Because I thought that maybe if I wrote it down, someone else might be going through the same thing. Maybe someone could see my struggles and know that they are not alone. And maybe, just maybe, we could pray for each other and help each other through our struggles...

I haven't blogged in a while. Life's funny in the way things turn out. Life is so unpredictable and I love and hate that about it at the same time.

So... to update you all on my life... I've struggled with depression for years. I've struggled with relationships as well.

I've spent the past couple of years spending time praying and trying to find a happy place. 

My job/career/my passion has been just that. I LOVE helping kiddos with Autism and their families. I LOVE seeing their lives change. I LOVE hugging them every single morning and hearing them learn to say my name for the first time, and consequently now the hundreds of times a day now that they say my name :-) (and YES, I answer EVERY single time to help them learn that their words are important and mean something!!). I LOVE these students and LOVE their families. I do NOT love the battles that go along with getting them what they need and helping them make progress, but nevertheless, I do it with everything in me and I do it because I LOVE these kids. They are my heart. 

This year I've been working hard on my presentation of things. At work. In life. When I truly believe in something, I go for it full force. Hence, at work, I tend to be VERY defensive of my kids and sometimes upset a few people along the way of getting them what they need. I've been learning to work on my relationships with others first, and then giving them the info I believe will help my kids..

So now, that I've talked a lot about my job and where I spend most of my time and energy...

I'll update you on my personal life.

About 4/5 months ago, I went on a date. I wasn't expecting anything out of it. You see, I hate dating. I mean REALLY HATE dating. But since he was someone I knew briefly from college, and I knew that he wasn't a murderer or anything like that... I went on the date.

Now, about 4 months later, he's still the sweetest guy ever. We are totally different from each other and I love it. 

So... I've really been struggling the past few years, shoot most of college actually, with settling. Settling just to be in a relationship. Settling in friendships. Settling in my job. Just settling.

I really encourage all ladies to wait. Don't settle. Don't be in a relationship just to have someone. Don't stay friends with someone who isn't putting forth the efforts to be a friend with you.

I can honestly say that I've made lots of mistakes at work with my relationships with my co-workers. Lots of mistakes with my friends. Lots of mistakes in my family relationships. And even lots of mistakes in my relationship with my boyfriend. BUT... I am trying my best to learn from them. From each mistake. And I am grateful that when I least expected a relationship, I found this man. 

This post is a bit all over the place, but honestly it's a look in at how much I've grown in the past year. I'm grateful that God brought me out of my depression, and is helping me to grow in multiple areas of my life. And I'm grateful for my boyfriend. He's a sweetheart and is definitely a great balance for my life.

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