Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm Thankful

Okay so instead of doing those numbers of things people don't know about me, (I was given the numbers 7 and 8)... I'm going to things I'm thankful for that most people probably wouldn't know or guess (using the number 8):

1. I'm thankful for my past relationships. I'm grateful to still be friends with those gentlemen and I've proud of them for the men they've become.
2. I'm thankful for my time at a private Christian school. I learned there the true meaning of being able to worship in front of your friends and family.
3. I'm thankful for my biological dad Chris. We haven't spent much time together over the years, but we've gotten to spend more time together in the past 4 years and that's been a blessing.
5. I'm thankful for my stepdad Bill. Although I didn't always agree with what he said or did while raising me as an Extremely overprotective dad, I am thankful that he cared enough to lay down Some rules. He was probably too strict, but at least he can look at me now, and be proud of all I have accomplished and all the things he wanted to protect me from, he did.
6. I'm thankful for my first car my little 92 Mazda Protege. While all my friends in high school had super nice cars their parents bought, I didn't have a car. When I finally got one, it was my '92 Mazda protege. That car needed soooo many thousands of dollars worth of repairs over the years, but it taught to me to be even more grateful for the amazing car I have now.
7. I'm thankful for my time dealing with depression over the years. I now appreciate my time not being depressed so much more. I appreciate the time my friends take to call me or check on me so much more. I appreciate the activities my friends and family help me get out and get involved in so much more.
8. I'm thankful for the 2-3 lovely ladies at KSU who allow me to text or message them oh so often just to check on them or pray for them. I've built some great friendships with you ladies and I thank you for allowing me to pray with you/for you and allowing me to send you devotions. You guys inspire me and help me to remember to devote myself to others.

and one extra:
9. I'm thankful for Autism. Yes, autism. Autism has taught me more than most of you could imagine. It has taught me patience. How to build trust with someone that doesn't know how to verbally talk or communicate. Love. Devotion. It has taught me how much a parent can truly love their child, no matter what their child is or isn't able to say or do. It has taught me to love these kiddos and their families unconditionally. I have learned what it means to talk without using words. How to show someone you care without ever speaking. How to teach someone how to communicate without words- which has been amazing. Autism has given me a passion in life and has helped me to dig deeper than just a passion to teach all kids, but now a passion specifically to help kids who may not be able to help advocate for themselves. I'm thankful for the kids, parents, and siblings I've met because of autism. I'm thankful for the lives I've been able to influence and touch because of Autism. I'm thankful for Autism, because Autism has helped me determine my purpose in life.